D I G I T A L ~ H I S T O R Y ~ S T U D I O S

With over 30 years of industry experience in cinematic animation and expertise in history, Digital History Studios has been dedicated to educating people about history through the fine art of computer visualization.
We offer a unique combination of skill and experience to bring history to life.

This piece was made for Discovery Education. It discusses several aspects of the Roman Colosseum, it's design and the events that took place there over hundreds of years. It was designed to be one long shot from beginning to end. There are several layers to the animation, including a layer for the crowds with over 6,000 3D people in the stands, most of which were hand-placed. Check out the 360 Virtual Tour below of this scene.

This animation shows two F-100 Super Sabre fighters dropping pairs of Snakeye bombs over the Central Highlands of South Vietnam in the Vietnam War. These bombs were designed to, upon release, open air brakes to allow low flying aircraft time to fly away from the blast zone, and thus prevent damage to the aircraft.

This is a test render for a proposed game at MicroProse back in 1998.

This piece was made for Discovery Education. It discusses several aspects of the Roman Colosseum, it's design and the events that took place there over hundreds of years. It was designed to be one long shot from beginning to end. There are several layers to the animation, including a layer for the crowds with over 6,000 3D people in the stands, most of which were hand-placed. Check out the 360 Virtual Tour below of this scene.